Registration and cancellation

  Registration Cancellation
  • IP Info
  • IP Info PLUS
Registration form for IP Info
Registration form for IP Info PLUS

If you’re unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, please notify us in good time by emailing trainingnot shown@ipito make life hard for spam

  • IP Basic Workshop

  • IP Workshops on specific topics

  • IP Management

Via the training schedule

If you’re unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, please notify us in good time by emailing trainingnot shown@ipito make life hard for spam

Standard courses:

  • Crash course

  • Advanced courses

Via the training schedule

Registration closes two weeks before the event starts.

No course fee will be charged for cancellations received in writing up to two weeks before the event starts.

For later cancellations or no cancellation, the full amount will be due.

You can inform us of a replacement participant at any time.



Do you have any questions? We’ll be happy to provide you with information:


Our training team
trainingnot shown@ipito make life hard for spam

Tel. +41 31 377 72 44



