IP Management

In this workshop, you’ll look at examples of various IP strategies in preparation for creating your own IP strategy.


To protect innovations and creations optimally, you need to use a strategy. It’s recommended to develop an IP strategy early on.


This online workshop is primarily designed for managers in start-ups and small companies that want to develop an IP strategy. You’ll take a look at various examples of IP strategies.


Please note that this service is only available to residents of Switzerland.


Possible questions for discussion:

  • What should the IP strategy of a typical SME or start-up include?

  • What are some examples of a successful IP strategy?


Most of the workshops will be led by an attorney from the IP Advisory Network.  The IPI will act as moderator and coordinate the discussion and the subsequent round of questions. We aim to provide an open, conversational atmosphere in which all participants can express their point of view and learn from each other.


Up to 50 people can participate.


This workshop is suitable only for those with relatively good prior knowledge of IP. You can acquire this knowledge in an IP Basic Workshop, an advanced IP workshop or a full-day training course, for example.



Currently unavailable


Video conference


Max. 1 hour and 30 minutes


Free of charge


Registration and cancellation

General information

Do you have any questions? We’ll be happy to provide you with information:
Email: trainingnot shown@ipito make life hard for spam bots.ch
Telephone: +41 31 377 72 44



