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20.02.2025 | Law and policy, Copyright
AI regulation in Switzerland: Federal Council chooses a sectoral approach
Monitoring Office for Technological Measures
The Monitoring Office for Technological Measures (OTM) is the specialist authority of the federal government for determining the effects of technological measures such as access control or copy barriers when using copyrighted content (music, films, etc.). A copy barrier can, for example, prevent an audio book from being saved on an MP3 device.
The task of the OTM is to assess whether the use of technological measures unjustifiably impedes the use of works expressly authorised by law. In the event of a specific case, a mutually agreeable solution will be developed in cooperation with the parties involved.
Current investigations
As part of the Digital Switzerland Action Plan, the OTM examined the extent to which consumers are unjustifiably prevented from accessing films, series or sports broadcasts when staying abroad.
Its findings were published in a report (German, French, and Italian, pdf) in 2020. The OTM determined that access to specific broadcasts may be restricted when consumers are staying abroad. However, the restriction is not random: it is primarily due to the funding models for the production of European films and the organisation of sporting events.
At the Federal Council’s request, the OTM continued to observe the situation and provided it with an update in late 2023. The OTM found that, as before, access to specific broadcasts may be restricted. However, there are alternatives available to consumers (e.g. a regionally adapted offering). As access to specific broadcasts is not improperly restricted and alternatives are available, the Federal Council decided not to pursue the matter for the time being.
Monitoring Office for Technological Measures
Stauffacherstrasse 65/59g
3003 Bern
Sabrina Konrad
Telephone +41 31 377 72 59
Documents & links
- Media release in German "Beobachtungsstelle für technische Massnahmen wird ins IGE überführt" (PDF)
- Media release in French: "Transfer de l'Observatoire des mesures techniques à l'IPI" (PDF)
- Media release in Italian: "L'Osservatorio dei provvedimenti tecnici sarà accorpato all'Istituto federale della prorietà intellettuale" (PDF)
24.02.2025 | Media release
Federal Council elected Vincenza Trivigno to the IPI’s Institute Council
20.02.2025 | Law and policy, Copyright
AI regulation in Switzerland: Federal Council chooses a sectoral approach