An overview of our information and training offering

There’s something for everyone – here you’ll find an overview of our information services, workshops and courses.

If you have any questions about our offering, need help in choosing the right course or are not sure if you have sufficient knowledge for a course, we’ll be happy to help you. Call us (tel. +41 31 377 77 77) or send us an email at trainingnot shown@ipito make life hard for spam


Ad hoc information

Contact Centre+41 31 377 77 77: Our Contact Centre is the first point of contact for information of all kinds.
  • By phone
  • Free of charge
IP InfoA pre-booked specialist consultation in which you can discuss your initial questions about IP and your invention with a patent or trade mark expert.
  • By phone or remote
  • 30 min.
  • Free of charge
IP Info PLUSAn expert from your specialist area will show you how to search through freely available patent databases yourself so that you can see how your invention fits into the state of the art.
Required: Participation in an IP Basic Workshop or prior IP Info discussion
  • Remote or at IPI, Bern
  • 2 hrs
  • 200 CHF
IP Advisory NetworkThe trade mark and patent attorneys in the Advisory Network will offer you free initial advice on questions relating to IP rights.




IP Basic WorkshopThis workshop is the ideal introduction to the world of intellectual property. You’ll get a basic understanding of trade marks, patents and designs and discuss key questions about IP in a small group.
  • Remote
  • 1–2 hrs
  • 2–4 people
  • Free of charge
IP Workshops on specific topicsThese workshops cover specific topics, such as the requirements for protecting trade marks, protection of software and copyright issues.
Required: Good basic IP knowledge. We recommend taking part in the IP Basic Workshop first.
  • Remote
  • 1–2 hrs
  • 2–4 people
  • Free of charge
IP Management

In this workshop, you’ll learn about examples of various IP strategies in preparation for creating your own IP strategy.

Held in collaboration with patent and trade mark attorneys in the IP Advisory Network.

Required: Good basic IP knowledge

  • Remote
  • 1–2 hrs
  • Free of charge




Crash courseThis intensive introductory course will give you an overview of trade mark, patent and design protection and copyright, and explain what you need to include in an IP strategy. Practical exercises will help you to consolidate your knowledge.
  • IPI, Bern (German) or Lausanne (French)
  • 1 day
  • 750 CHF
    including catering
Advanced coursesIn these courses, you can deepen your IP knowledge in specific topics relating to patents, trade marks and designs.
Required: Good basic knowledge e.g. completed crash course
  • IPI, Bern (German) or Lausanne (French)
  • 1 day
  • 750 CHF
    including catering
Swiss IP specialist and patent attorney training courseIn this course, IP professionals acquire in-depth knowledge of the individual IP rights. The course also serves as preparation for the Swiss Federal Patent Attorney Examination.
  • IPI, Bern
  • 14 days
  • 5 000 CHF




