For IP professionals
This is the portal for professionals working in the field of intellectual property. Here you'll find direct access to all necessary resources.
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Post registration
Whatever is in the design register is what is valid
Keep the information about your design in the register up to date. Please always let us know about any changes. You can notify us easily via the online register changes service, by letter or by email to This way, your design is optimally protected. In particular, remember to inform us about a change of address, change of design ownership as well as changes with regard to your representative or licensing agreements. Remember to include any relevant documents such as authorisations, contracts or transfer agreements.
Register changes are free of any fees.
04.11.2024 | IPI, Dienstleistungen - Datenbanken und Verzeichnisse
The new Swissreg is in the starting blocks
23.10.2024 | Event, Indications of source, IPI, News
1st international meeting of legal experts on geographical indications
26.09.2024 | Patents, IPI, News
Switzerland remains the leader in innovation