For IP professionals
This is the portal for professionals working in the field of intellectual property. Here you'll find direct access to all necessary resources.
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Step 2: Confirm
In this step, you are shown the entire order again as well as a summary.
If anything is wrong, you can go back to the first step using the 'Back' button and correct the information.
If all the details are correct, you can confirm that they are correct and submit the order.
The order is processed automatically unless more than 20% or more than five of the fees entered have errors. Incorrect entries are rejected via a message to the order issuer.
The following errors may occur with your order:
One or more fees relate to procedures that are not linked to your user account and that have not yet been published.
One or more fees have not yet been created in our system.
One or more fees have already been paid.
One or more fees entered are too low.
The total amount of the order is higher than the credit balance on the current account.
If more than 20% or more than five of the fees entered in an order have errors, we process the order manually. If the error rate is too high, the entire order is rejected.
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