The World Health Organization and the protection of intellectual property

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) based in Geneva. It is the UN's coordinating authority on international public health.



What tasks does the IPI perform within the WHO?

  • We are actively involved in discussions on public health and on protecting intellectual property, e.g. for improved access to drugs
  • We are committed to ensuring intellectual property has a good reputation as an incentive, in particular in relation to the development and therefore the availability of new drugs
  • We advise the Swiss delegation, which is led by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
  • We also play an active role in negotiating the relevant resolutions

Where can I find out about current discussions within the WHO?

  • Official documents (agenda, reports and resolutions and decisions) of the World Health Assemblies and WHO Executive Board sessions.
  • IP and health ; general information on the work of the IPI.


