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20.02.2025 | Law and policy, Copyright
AI regulation in Switzerland: Federal Council chooses a sectoral approach

Colombian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (COLIPRI)
Phase 2
The overall goal of the COLIPRI project Phase 2 is to contribute that entrepreneurs, creators, researchers and producers in Colombia benefit from an improved intellectual property system.
Project background and context
Colombia is well integrated into the international system of intellectual property rights (IPRs), as it has acceded to the main important treaties. While the national IPR legal framework and institutions are already well developed, challenges still remain. As in many other countries, constraints continue to impede the effective enforcement of IPRs. Furthermore, right holders do not yet fully exploit the potential of these rights. Both enforcement and use of IPR issues are partly the result of limited public awareness of IPRs and of how to use of the benefits that IPRs can offer.
The COLIPRI project was initiated at the specific request by the Colombian government to the Swiss Confederation, in order to enable Colombia to capitalise on its internal strengths.
After the successful implementation of the COLIPRI Project Phase 1 (2012-2018), the Phase 2 was planned in order to further consolidate Colombia’s national intellectual property system to increase innovation, competitiveness, and economic diversification.Colombia is well integrated into the international system of intellectual property rights (IPRs), as it has acceded to the main important treaties. While the national IPR legal framework and institutions are already well developed, challenges still remain. As in many other countries, constraints continue to impede the effective enforcement of IPRs. Furthermore, right holders do not yet fully exploit the potential of these rights. Both enforcement and use of IPR issues are partly the result of limited public awareness of IPRs and of how to use of the benefits that IPRs can offer.
The COLIPRI project was initiated at the specific request by the Colombian government to the Swiss Confederation, in order to enable Colombia to capitalise on its internal strengths.
After the successful implementation of the COLIPRI Project Phase 1 (2012-2018), the Phase 2 was planned in order to further consolidate Colombia’s national intellectual property system to increase innovation, competitiveness, and economic diversification.
1 Why Colombia? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
The COLIPRI Project Phase 2 includes following objectives:
- The National Intellectual Property Policy is updated, implemented and enforced according to its action plan;
- Intellectual property registration and administration entities provide efficient and user-friendly services; and
- IPR entities, academia and private sector representatives promote acquisition, use and transfer of IPRs to potential users.
1 Why Colombia? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
In light of the relatively advanced stage of Colombia’s intellectual property system, the COLIPRI project Phase 2 aims to address specific needs and requests to add the most value and achieve sustainable results. The project provides specialised advice and support in selected areas where Switzerland is able to offer strong expertise and achieve a tangible impact.
Within these thematic areas, the activities mainly consist of technical capacity building through training, workshops, experience sharing between Swiss and Colombian peers, education programmes and expert input, led by national and international consultants. These activities will increase the capacity of the IPR entities to deliver high quality services.
In addition, the project supported the formulation of the National IP policy and continues supporting the implementation of its action plan; conducted a legal gap analysis on the industrial design legislation, and promote the national geographical indication (GI) system as well as GI community development.
Furthermore, the project supports the promotion, use and acquisition of IPR by specific target groups, in order to increase the use and commercialization of IPR, for example through knowledge and technology transfer services.
1 Why Colombia? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
Alignment with Colombia’s development priorities
The COLIPRI project Phase 2 is aligned with the key socio-economic development priorities of the Government of Colombia, in particular increased diversification, innovation and competitiveness. A well-balanced intellectual property system encourages investment in the knowledge economy, technological innovation and the building of strong local brands, all of which can make Colombian companies more competitive at a global level.
A strong intellectual property system in Colombia is also in the interests of Switzerland, as reliable and competent local IPR entities can provide effective protection for patents, trademarks, designs, GIs, copyright and other IPRs of Swiss companies abroad. The free trade agreement signed between Colombia and Switzerland/EFTA entered into force in 2011, which underlines the importance of this emerging market.
1 Why Colombia? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
The main project beneficiaries through direct technical capacity building are the National Planning Department (DNP), the Department of Industrial Property and the Department of Jurisdictional Affairs under the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), the National Directorate for Copyright (DNDA), the Agencia Presidencial de Cooperación de Colombia (APC-Colombia), and Artesanías de Colombia.
In addition, the Ministry of Commerce, Science and Tourism (MinCIT), the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA), the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias, the Colombian Confederation of Chambers of Commerce (Confecámaras), the Ministry of Agriculture, local small and medium enterprises (SMEs), researchers, universities, IP consultants (IP lawyers, technology transfer consultants, knowledge and technology transfer offices), and selected producer associations benefit from tailor-made workshops and training programmes.
Other economic actors as well as the wider Colombian public benefits indirectly through improved IPR services and an improvement in the quality and competitiveness of Colombian goods and products. The impact of the COLIPRI project also extends to more vulnerable communities of the population such as micro entrepreneurs, rural communities and ethnic minorities, who through the use of IPRs, are able to market local specialties.
1 Why Colombia? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
Quick project facts
Project duration
Oct. 2019 – Dec. 2024
Total budget
CHF 1,500,000.00
Donor agency
Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Implementing partners
- Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property IPI
- Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce SIC
- Colombian National Directorate for Copyright DNDA
Colombia country context
Population: 52 million
Area: 1,138,910 km2
Annual GDP growth: 7.5%
Annual GDP per capita PPP: USD 20 287
1 Why Colombia? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
More Information and Contact
Nathalie Hirsig – COLIPRI Project Coordinator
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Bern
nathalie.hirsig | @ipi .ch+41 31 377 72 03
Claire Philippoteaux – Project Associate
Bogotá, Colombia
claire.p @swisscontact .org
24.02.2025 | Media release
Federal Council elected Vincenza Trivigno to the IPI’s Institute Council
20.02.2025 | Law and policy, Copyright
AI regulation in Switzerland: Federal Council chooses a sectoral approach