Bilateral free trade agreement with China

The bilateral trade agreement between Switzerland and China contains substantial provisions on the protection of intellectual property rights. This agreement has been in force since 1 July 2014.

The free trade agreement primarily sets out certain principles, which both Switzerland and China must adhere to. The two countries have committed themselves, in particular, to the following:

The agreement clarifies and reinforces the existing level of multilateral protection of the TRIPS Agreement, particularly in the following areas:

The free trade agreement also provides for measures that customs authorities need to take to combat counterfeiting and piracy. Border measures apply to trade mark and copyright infringement as well as for patents and design right infringement. In addition, the agreement establishes standards concerning civil and criminal procedures for the prosecution of infringements and recovery of damages.


The provisions on intellectual property are in Chapter 11 of the main agreement. Annex IX also contains provisions on the protection of plant varieties that further specify those in Article 11.10 of the main agreement.

