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20.02.2025 | Law and policy, Copyright
AI regulation in Switzerland: Federal Council chooses a sectoral approach

Albanian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (ALSIP)
The project objective is to contributing that entrepreneurs, creators, researchers and producers in Albania benefit from effective protection of IP objects.
Project background and context
In just under two decades, Albania has progressed considerably economically and has legislated on industrial property, copyright, plant varieties, layout designs and integrated circuits. It is becoming a member to more international intellectual property conventions and treaties and has various free trade agreements across the region.
To accelerate this, structural reforms seek to increase productivity and competitiveness, create more jobs, and improve governance and public service delivery.
The National Strategy of Intellectual Property of Albania sets out that the IP system is to be one that “assures effective protection of IP objects, encourages creativity and innovation in the service of stimulating economic growth and cultural and scientific development in the Republic of Albania.”
Challenges to the system that remain concern, inter alia, the need to further develop and implement the National Strategy of Intellectual Property, prevent and fight ongoing high levels of piracy and counterfeiting, increase awareness of IP, and strengthen and build capacities of specialized IP entities.
The ALSIP Project supports the capacity development of the Albanian IP institutions to consolidate improved framework conditions for businesses, their competitiveness, and for market systems overall.
1 Why Albania? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
The ALSIP Project includes the following objectives:
• Improved IP legislation and effective implementation of the National IP Strategy contribute to better framework conditions for investment and innovation.
- Well-functioning IPR registration and administration entities provide efficient and user-friendly services.
- IPR entities, private and academia representatives are strengthened in the promotion of the acquisition, use and transfer of IPRs to potential users.
- Enforcement of IPRs is strengthened.
- Awareness on the importance of KTT and IPR commercialization as part of innovation process is increased.
1 Why Albania? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
The project offers specialist advice and support in selected areas, at different levels where Switzerland is able to offer strong expertise and conduct activities to raise awareness, provide relevant information and experience, and ultimately build the capacity of the IP system and of individuals.
At policy level, the project supports the revision and implementation of the National IP Strategy (2021-2025), so that IPR institutions and IPR users among the Albanian population are better able to capitalize on the opportunities that the IP system offers. In this regard, the project supports the review and preparation of new IP legislation.
Technical capacity building through trainings, workshops and experience sharing between Swiss and Albanian counterparts, education programmes and expert input, aim to raise the quality of the IP registration and administration services of the GDIP and the Copyright Directorate. In parallel, through outreach programmes and training modules, the project supports the promotion, use and acquisition of IPRs by specific target groups, to increase the use and commercialization of IPRs, for example through knowledge and technology transfer services.
In the area of anti-counterfeiting, trainings are held and useful sources of information made available in order to facilitate operational procedures and to further enable judiciary, customs, market surveillance and other IP enforcement agencies in their roles. Public educational campaigns and exchanges on anti-counterfeiting experiences are likewise set up to sensitize the public at large to piracy and counterfeits.
Lastly, as a socio-economic development and marketing tool, promotion of awareness around Geographical Indications (GIs) and the potential of Albanian GIs will be developed towards creating a GI inventory.
1 Why Albania? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
Alignment with Albania’s development priorities
The ALSIP Project is aligned with the key socio-economic development priorities of the Government of Albania. The ALSIP project supports Albania in implementing the well-articulated vision in its National IP strategy regarding an IP system, in particular to assure effective registration and protection of IP objects. This can encourage creativity and innovation to stimulate economic growth and cultural and scientific development in the country.
Moreover, the building of strong local brands can further the competitiveness of Albanian companies abroad. Not only is this in the interest of Albania, but is also of benefit to Switzerland, as companies can rely on effective protection for their IPRs.
1 Why Albania? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
The main project counterparts are the General Directorate of Industrial Property (GDIP) and the Copyright Directorate (CD). Further beneficiaries include other stakeholders of the national IP system such as: State Police, State Inspectorate of Market Surveillance (SIMS), General Directorate of Customs, Magistrate School, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Culture, Collective Management Organizations (CMOs), Union of Chambers of Commerce, Universities, IP consultants (IP lawyers, technology transfer consultants), and selected GI producers associations.
In particular, Albanian companies, local universities and individuals can notably also benefit from an improved functioning IP system, which fosters innovation. Likewise, consumers are better protected from counterfeiting through the capacity development of the judiciary and enforcement agencies.
1 Why Albania? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
Quick project facts
Project duration
4 years (2020 – 2024)
Total budget
CHF 1,500,000
Donor agency
Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Implementing partners
- Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property IPI
- General Directorate of Industrial Property GDIP
- Copyright Directorate CD
Albania country context
Population: 2.8 million
Area: 28,748 km2
Annual GDP growth: 3,4%
Annual GDP per capita PPP: USD 13,350
1 Why Albania? | 2 Objectives | 3 What we do | 4 Why IP | 5 Who benefits? | 6 Project Facts
For more information, contact
Olga Allemann and Nathalie Hirsig – ALSIP Project Coordinators
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property – IPI
olga.allemann | @ipi .chnathalie.hirsig | @ipi .ch+41 31 377 77 77
24.02.2025 | Media release
Federal Council elected Vincenza Trivigno to the IPI’s Institute Council
20.02.2025 | Law and policy, Copyright
AI regulation in Switzerland: Federal Council chooses a sectoral approach