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20.02.2025 | Law and policy, Copyright
AI regulation in Switzerland: Federal Council chooses a sectoral approach
Bogus register service providers
- American Trademark Agency
- Community Trade Marks and Designs Ltd, example1, example 2
- CPTD - Central Patent & Trademark Database
- DIP - Database of Intellectual Property, Trademark Registration
- EAIP - European Agency Intellectual Property
- ECTC - European Chamber of Trade and Commerce (Europäischer Handelsmarken-Index zum Schutz des geistigen Eigentums)
- ECTO S.A. Brussels EU Parliament
- EIPA, European Intellectual Property Agency, European Patent Application
- EIPA, European Intellectual Property Agency, International Mark
- EIPS, European Intellectual Property Services
- EPTA - European Patent and Trademark Agency
- EPTO - European Patent and Trademark Organization
- EPTP - European Patent and Trademark Protection
- EPTR - European Patent and Trademark Register
- ETP Marken und Patentveröffentlichungen
- EUCPD - European Center for Patent Documentation (Marken-Index Schweiz)
- EUIPA - European Intellectual Property Agency
- EUPADOS - Europäisches Veröffentlichungsblatt Für Patentrechtsdokumentation
- European Trademarks and Designs
- European Trademark Organisation S.A.
- EVPUD - Europäische Vereinigung für Patent- und Urheberrechtsdokumentation (Europäisches Veröffentlichungsblatt für Patentrechtsdokumentation, Schweizerische Markenrechte)
- F.O.I.P. Federated Organization for Intellectual Property
- GDR - Gewerbe Daten Register e.K.
- GMT - Gesellschaft für M & T AG, Baar (Institute for Trade, Commerce, Industry)
- GOIP Intellectual Property
- GTPS - Global Trademark and Patent Service
- IBIP - International Bureau for Intellectual Property
- IFW - Institut für Wirtschaftsinformationen Ltd.
- IIP WORLD - International Intellectual Property Office
- INDAB - Internationale Datenbank für registrierte Trademarks
- INFO-COM (Info-Register für geschützte Marken)
- Intellectual Property Agency Ltd.
- INTERTRADE - International Registration Office
- IOIP - International Organisation Intellectual Property
- lOPR Intellectual Office Property Register
- IOPTS International Organization for Patent & Trademark Service, LLC.
- IP Data s.r.o., example 1, example 2
- IP Direct - Registration of the International Trademark
- IPOS Intellectual Property Organisation Service
- IPRS - Intellectual property register services
- IP save
- IPS - Intellectual Property Services
- IPTA - International Patent & Trademark Agency
- IPTD - International Patents & Trademarks Database
- IPTG - International Patent and Trademark Guide
- IPTI - International Patent & Trademark Index
- IPTO - International Patent & Trademark Organization
- IPTR - International Patent and Trademark Register
- IPT Registration s.r.o., example 1, example 2
- IPTS International Patent and Trademark Service
- IPWTO s.r.o.
- IRO - International Registration Office, example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4
- IRPT - International Register of Patents and Trademarks
- ITMORG International Trademark Monitoring Organization
- ITPS - International Trademark and Patent Service
- ITR - International Trademark Register
- Nationales Markenregister AG
- Novislink Limited
- NPMO AG, Schweiz Nationale Patent und Marken Organisation, Organisation Nationale des Brevets et Marques Déposées, Organizzazione Nazionale di Brevetti e March, National Patent & Trademark Organizalion
- ODM srl, Registration of International Trademark
- OHIM-Organization for Harmonizing in the intern. Market
- OPT Organization for Patents and Trademarks
- Patent and Trademark Agency Ltd.
- Patent & Trademark Bureau, example 1, example 2
- Patent and Trademark Institute, example 1, example 2
- Patent and Trademark Office
- REGIPAT International
- Registre Central Européen des marques et brevets
- RIPT s.r.o. - Register of International Patents and Trademarks
- RPT Servis - world wide patent service
- SCTC - Swiss Chamber of Trade and Commerce (SCTC Handelsmarken-Index)
- Search Index Registration Department
- STR - Suomen Tavaramerkkirekisteröinti Oy
- TMG - Trade Mark Guide ©®TM (Das «Who is Who» der Marken)
- TM IIP - International Registration of Trademarks
- TMPT - Trademark Service
- TM Register, Trademark Publication
- TMS Trademarks Services
- TM Trademark Publication Service
- TM WORLD - International Intellectual Property Office
- TM WORLD International Registration of Trademarks, example 1, example 2, example 3
- TM WORLD International trademark registration, example 1, example 2
- TMWorldwide International Catalogue of Trademarks, Ungary
- TPP Marken und Patentveröffentlichungen
- TPR Marken und Patentveröffentlichungen
- TPR Trademark Publication
- TPR Trademark Publication Register
- Trademark Edition Ltd.
- Trademark Info
- Trademark Info s.r.o.
- Trademark Publisher, example 1 Offertrechnung, example 2 Offertrechnung
- Trademark Selection GmbH
- TRE Service
- UPTS - Universal Patents and Trademarks Service
- USTMS - United States Trademark Maintenance Service, Elective Trademark Monitoring Service, Houston, USA
- US Trademark Service Divison
- Varemerkeorganisasjonen AS
- WBIP - World Bureau Intellectual Property Corp., Aloha, USA
- WDTP - Worldwide Database of Trademarks and Patents, example 1, example 2
- WIG - Wirtschaftszentrale für Industrie und Gewerbe AG (Zürich), example 1, example 2
- WIHH - Wirtschaftsinstitut für Industrie, Handel, Handwerk AG, Baar/Zug (Institute of Commerce for Industry, Trade, Commerce)
- WIPI - World Intellectual Property Institute Kft., Registration European Patent Application
- WIPI - World Intellectual Property Institute Kft., Registration International Mark
- WIPO - World Intelligent Property Office
- WIPP - World Intellectual Property Publisher
- WIPT - World Patents Trademarks, Register of International Patents and Trademarks example 1, example 2
- WOIP - World Organization Intellectual Property Kft., Registration European Patent Application
- WOIP - World Organization Intellectual Property Kft., Registration International Mark
- WORLD BRANDS - International Registration of Trademarks
- World Patent & Trademark Agency
- World Trademark Register
- WOTRA - World Organization for Trademarks
- WPTD - World Patent & Trademark Database
- WPTI - World Patent and Trademark Index
- WPTORG - World Patent and Trademark Organization
- WPTR Word Patent and Trademark Register
- WPTS - World Patent & Trademark Service
- WTPR - World Trademark and Patent Register
- ZDR-Datenregister GmbH, Frankfurt/Main (Zentrales Datenregister für Internationale Marken)
- ZPMR - Zentrales Patent und Marken Register
24.02.2025 | Media release
Federal Council elected Vincenza Trivigno to the IPI’s Institute Council
20.02.2025 | Law and policy, Copyright
AI regulation in Switzerland: Federal Council chooses a sectoral approach