Workshop on protecting competition project work

In Bern, young people recently competed to reach the final of the national Swiss Youth in Science competition. In the process, they also learned about protecting their intellectual property.


On 18 January at the Neufeld grammar school in Bern, the foundations were laid for the final of the Swiss Youth in Science competition. The young people presented their competition entries in seven specialist fields including biology/environment, history, mathematics/IT and design.


The competition sees young people create a work whose intellectual property should be protected. Dr. Christian Moser, patent expert at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI), advised over 100 young people on what to look out for when protecting their IP. He said, “They were very motivated and asked many questions throughout the workshop.” For example, some participants asked how can software be protected and how copyright applies to their own competition entry.


The final of the national Swiss Youth in Science competition will take place from 23 to 25 April at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in Biel.


Intellectual property in focus – where we are involved



