Help for SMEs

Our Contact Centre – for the information you need

If something's not clear, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Our Contact Centre staff will be happy to answer your questions on protecting your innovations and creations or will put you through to an expert if necessary.


Training and courses


We have courses for both beginners and professionals. Our training programme and information on courses can be found under Training and courses.


Free initial consultation for questions on patents


You can get 45 minutes of free advice on patent protection and copyright software protection from patent attorneys (.pdf) affiliated to the IP Advisory Network.


Advice on questions regarding strategies and disputes


Do you need an expert’s opinion on which protection is best for you? Or would you like help in choosing a trade mark or defining the scope of protection for your patent application? Or maybe you need advice on handling a dispute with a competitor?

A trade mark consultant or patent attorney can give you competent advice and recommendations.


Innovation funding for SMEs


Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency supports science-based innovation projects jointly run by companies and research partners. In addition, Innosuisse offers a range of opportunities for the transfer of knowledge between research and industry on a national and international level.


General info for SMEs


You can find information about topics such as founding a company, finances, marketing, taxes, insurance and more on the SME Portal of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.


Interactive intellecutal property e-learning platform


With the e-Learning tool from the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), you can gain the knowledge you need on intellectual property according to the sector and the product or production phase in which your company is involved. In addition, the platform provides plenty of general information on what can be protected and how.


IP rights diagnosis for your SME


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has developed a new IP Diagnostic Tool, which allows you to receive a free report on your company’s IP rights. The process is simple. All you have to do is answer questions about the IP situation in your company in the WIPO online tool. There are several blocks of questions on topics such as innovation, trade marks, licensing and the international activities of your company. At the end of each section, you receive a report with recommendations and further information on the competitiveness of your company.


WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center


Mediation for Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes in Switzerland

The WIPO  Arbitration  and  Mediation Center  (WIPO  Center)  offers mediation,  arbitration  and  expert  determination options  to  enable  private  parties  to  efficiently  settle  their  domestic  or  cross-border commercial disputes. The WIPO Center is international and specialized in intellectual property (IP) and technology disputes. It has a strong focus on providing time- and cost-efficient proceedings.


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