Patent searches and monitoring

Inventors and companies divulge valuable knowledge on technologies in their patent applications. This is information you can make use of. For example, searching in patent literature shows you how novel your invention is prior to applying for a patent.


Searching yourself

You can carry out initial searches and monitoring in free online patent databases yourself.
Specialists can help you with complex queries and comprehensive searches.
Searching yourself


IPI searches

  • Swiss patent applicants can request to have a Swiss Patent Application Search carried out. This search allows you to assess the novelty of the invention for which you’ve submitted a patent application. You also have the option of ordering an International-Type Search through us, which is carried out by the European Patent Office.
  • Swiss Patent Application Search
    International-Type Search

Patent searches and monitoring can also be useful after patenting. There are various providers who can offer you an appropriate search. List with various providers.



