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Marking patent-protected products
If a product is patented, you can indicate it on the packaging or the product itself. This can be a selling point and can also warn off potential patent infringers.
You can, for example, feature the patent mark on your product. This consists of the Swiss cross and the patent number.
In addition, +pat+ CH or EP/CH followed by the patent number are frequently-used signs (e.g.
CH689101 for a Swiss patent or EP/CH 1109604 for a European patent that is valid in Switzerland).
If products are brought to market and labelled before the patent has been granted, the signs "pat. pend." (patent pending) or "patent applied for" may be used.
These signs are optional; however, misusing them is a criminal offence. The patent owner can require licensees of the patent to also use these signs.
04.11.2024 | IPI, Dienstleistungen - Datenbanken und Verzeichnisse
The new Swissreg is in the starting blocks
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1st international meeting of legal experts on geographical indications
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Switzerland remains the leader in innovation