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This is the portal for professionals working in the field of intellectual property. Here you'll find direct access to all necessary resources.
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Protection expired?
IP rights are for a limited time only, except for trade mark rights, which can be renewed indefinitely in Switzerland. Patent protection lasts a maximum of 20 years, design protection 25 years. Copyright lasts 70 years after the author's death, or 50 years in the case of computer programs.
Even if you don't have registered rights, there are other laws to help against counterfeiters. The federal law against unfair competition protects primarily against a conduct of business which is contrary to good faith practices or immoral. Unfair and illegal are acts such as deceiving and misleading consumers. If this is the case, the unfair competition law can be used to fight against counterfeiting and imitations.
A cloud on the horizon: prosecution claims based on the Law on Unfair Competition are usually complicated and expensive. In contrast, registered trade marks, patents, and design rights are much simpler to enforce.
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The new Swissreg is in the starting blocks
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1st international meeting of legal experts on geographical indications
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Switzerland remains the leader in innovation