Trade mark protection

What is protected?

Registered signs from misuse by others

How does it become protected?

Registration in the trade mark register

Minimum requirements
  • Does not infringe on others’ rights
  • Distinctive
  • Not descriptive
  • Not against public order or public morality
No protection for
  • Simple signs
  • Abbreviations
  • Generic designations
  • Coats of arms
  • etc.
What are the exceptions?

When not used as a trade mark

Scope of protection

Defined by the sign and the goods and services classes

Period of protection

10 years (indefinitely renewable)

Indications of protection
  • ® = registered trade mark
  • ™ = trade mark

Use optional, wrongful use punishable by law

Filing fee (CH)

CHF 450


CHF 100

Renewal fee (CH)

CHF 550 (10 years)

Unique to Switzerland

Infringement of earlier IP rights not examined for (trade mark search recommended)


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