Together we are stronger – partnerships for Swiss innovation

The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) and its partners support Swiss start-ups and SMEs. The aim is to enable companies to turn their inventions into assets.


Intellectual property plays a crucial role in the innovation process. But too often the topic is forgotten in the course of a company's development – sometimes with serious consequences. As part of its collaboration, the IPI therefore encourages start-ups to consider protecting their innovation from an early stage. This forms the basis for them to capitalise on their invention.


With their many years of experience, the partners support the start-ups and SMEs and thereby promote innovation.  Within the scope of the collaboration, the companies benefit from services provided by the IPI.


Partnership with Innosuisse


Today, the key to economic success is a combination of experience, research and development. By offering targeted support, Innosuisse helps to promote science-based innovations in Switzerland, create jobs with high added value and boost prosperity. Innosuisse’s funding activities primarily involve supporting innovation projects jointly run by companies and research institutions. Innosuisse provides start-ups and those looking to set up a company with experienced coaches who offer guidance on establishing, developing and growing a company.


Partnership with Switzerland Innovation


Switzerland Innovation is a comprehensive platform that brings together universities and innovative companies. They have the opportunity to network at five locations in Switzerland, which operate as legally independent entities. The exchange between science and industry helps to develop ideas in such a way as to create products and services that can be marketed successfully. At the same time, working closely together accelerates the development process for all parties. Ultimately, all these activities should also contribute to strengthening Switzerland's position as one of the most innovative countries in the world.


The IPI's contribution: the IPI supports the innovative spirit of Swiss start-ups by providing information services.



