The Institute Council

The Institute Council – which is elected by Switzerland's Federal Council – is the IPI's supreme supervisory body with regard to the operational management of the IPI.



  • Corina Eichenberger-Walther, Attorney-at-Law and mediator, President of the Institute Council, appointed until 31.12.2027
  • Caroline Perriard, lic. iur. LL.M., Director Data Protection & Privacy at BRP Bizzozero & Partners SA, appointed until 31.12.2027
  • Luc-E. Amgwerd, lic. iur., Co-founder of Gjosa SA, appointed until 31.12.2027
  • Vincenza Trivigno, Exec. M.B.L.-HSG, CEO VAMED Schweiz, appointed until 31.12.2027
  • Yves Bugmann, lic. iur., President of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH, appointed until 31.12.2027
  • Oliver Gassmann Prof. Dr., Full Professor of Technology Management with special focus on Innovation Management, University of St. Gallen, appointed until 31.12.2027
  • Daniela Marino, Dr. Sc., CEO of CUTISS AG, appointed until 31.12.2027
  • Peter Walser, Dr. Sc. Nat. ETH, Patent Attorney, appointed until 31.12.2027
  • Evelyn Zwick, Dipl. Phys. ETH, Patent Attorney, appointed until 28.02.2027

Institute Council members' affiliation (in German) to the governing bodies of other companies and institutions governed by public and private law.



