For IP professionals
This is the portal for professionals working in the field of intellectual property. Here you'll find direct access to all necessary resources.
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What is a patent?
A patent is an IP right for a technical invention. It allows you to prevent others from using your invention for commercial purposes for up to 20 years. You decide who is allowed to produce, sell or import your invention in those countries in which you own a valid patent. You can also trade your patent, e.g. sell it or licence the use of your invention.
04.11.2024 | IPI, Dienstleistungen - Datenbanken und Verzeichnisse
The new Swissreg is in the starting blocks
23.10.2024 | Event, Indications of source, IPI, News
1st international meeting of legal experts on geographical indications
26.09.2024 | Patents, IPI, News
Switzerland remains the leader in innovation