
ip-search is a patent search service provided by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property. Our over 65 search experts with industry experience in all technical areas and an in-depth knowledge of patenting will carry out a comprehensive, thorough, multilingual and discreet search for you.


Sophisticated freedom-to-operate searches, validity searches and landscape analyses are our speciality. We can also carry out other patent-related searches or analyses of your choosing – always tailored precisely to your specific needs.


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About ip-search

The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property is the Swiss centre of competence for all issues concerning patent and trade mark protection, indications of source, design protection and copyright. We conducted the first online search in patent databases over 30 years ago. Today, we offer first-class search services in every technical field under the label ‘ip-search’. We are passionate about helping innovative companies use the valuable knowledge set out in patents to further their progress.