Other searches

Interactive search

Would you like help with a search? We can search for and review documents with you, either online or on site. Experience has shown that an initial search with a subject matter expert increases efficiency and can help to thematically focus the search. At the end of the search, the documents can also be presented orally, and the report can be divided up so that you get a quicker overview of the results. You can select an interactive search in the order form.



Customised search

Do you have specific requirements? Please contact us. We will be happy to help you.


  • Do you urgently need search results due to imminent deadlines? We can conduct a search with you at short notice and provide the results in a brief report.
  • Clarification of patent issues in the area of M&A, long/short list, review of company portfolios
  • Thematic narrowing down of a specialised field, including an overview of the patent environment and a list of the most important documents

Simply contact us and a patent expert will call you back as soon as possible.