Patent search experts for every technical field

Our team comprises more than 50 experts with industry experience in all technical fields: electronics, optical technology, telecommunications, information technology, energy technology, automotive technology, mechanical and civil engineering, materials science, chemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceutical science and medical technology


Experts from all scientific disciplines

You can instruct us to carry out a search in any specialist field, including searches involving specialist interdisciplinary fields. These are handled by a team of experts from all the relevant scientific disciplines.


Personal contact person

Your personal contact person and search expert discusses the scope of the search and depth of the analysis with you. He or she will support you in formulating the search objective and will draw up a search strategy. If necessary, he or she will also contact you during the search in order to optimise the search strategy and the selection criteria. You can also follow the search in person or online.


High level of flexibility

We generally deliver the search results ten working days after receipt of your order. Due to the size of our team, we are also flexible and can accommodate faster delivery times, too.