Patent information specialists

We support you when you are short of resources, when you need patent and technology information concerning a field you are unfamiliar with or when you would you like to have a second search on a subject-matter just to be on the safe side. We have access to key databases. 
Our patent search experts are engineers and natural scientists with industry experience who work as official patent examiners, too. They discuss the search objective and the goal of the search in detail with you or your internal client. We search all important databases and analyse the documents using the available full text and figures for each request. You determine the depth of the analysis and the format of the results.

  • Before your R&D department develops something new, we can provide you with an overview of the state of the art (also known as the prior art) in the relevant field: subject search. This search can also serve as the starting point for regularly monitoring this particular technology sector and your competitors.
  • For important opposition proceedings, we can support you by searching for key publications: validity search
  • We will keep you regularly informed about relevant, newly published patent applications concerning the developments of your competitors or your technology sector. Unimportant documents are filtered out thanks to our detailed search profile. The results are prepared in such a way that you can immediately make use of them: technology monitoring. We can also monitor individual patent documents for any changes in the current state of proceedings (legal status monitoring).

Good to know

  • We use professional search tools such as AbS (Ansera Based Search), the search system used by the European Patent Office, and primarily STN for the chemistry and biotechnology sectors. Other hosts and specific databases can be used as required.
  • The high quality of our searches is guaranteed through the solid professional training and the continuing education of our patent search experts, clearly defined processes, and the consistent application of the four-eye principle.
  • Confidentiality and data security are standard for us. Upon request, you can use our Data Exchange Platform for confidential data transfer.