How we can support you

You might have different expectations of us depending on your field of activity. You can find more information on how our searches and analyses can support you in this section.

You are:  
Independent patent attorney We provide you with support when you lack the time to carry out a comprehensive search yourself or when you don't have access to professional search tools.
Industry patent attorney We provide you with support when your search department only has limited access to relevant data, when you lack the time to carry out a comprehensive search yourself or when you don't have access to professional search tools.
Patent information specialist We support you when you are short of resources, when you need patent and technology information concerning a field you are unfamiliar with or when you would you like to have a second search on a subject-matter just to be on the safe side.
Patent manager in SMEs We can take care of gathering key fundamental information that you need to evaluate your research and development department's inventions or publications in your technology sector.
Researcher and developer We deliver fundamental information concerning developments in your technology sector or your competitors.
Management We can assist you in clarifying the situation regarding intellectual property rights before taking over a company (due diligence). We can obtain information for you about technological developments in your market environment and about new technological trends.