Basic conditions


General conditions

  Assisted Patent Search                                     Assisted Patent Analysis


We carry out the assisted search/analysis in your presence at the IPI, via an online meeting platform or at a partner location (also via an online meeting solution).


CHF 300 including VAT (IPI Fee Ordinance Art. 3 para. 2, only available in German, French or Italian)


You may eligible for a discount if you are participating in a funding programme and/or already have a voucher with a discount code from an innovation promoter.
If this is the case, please let us know in your application.


If the details provided prove to be incorrect, the IPI will invoice the applicant the standard service fee of CHF 300.


Every natural or legal person can take advantage of up to four assisted patent searches or assisted patent landscape analyses within any twelve-month period.


We maintain complete confidentiality regarding all information exchanged between you and the IPI, as well as the results. We protect your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.


  Assisted Patent Search Assisted Patent Landscape Analysis


4 hours. If required and if agreed, 8 hours maximum

4 hours maximum

Target group

The assisted patent search/patent landscape analysis is offered to representatives of the following target groups in Switzerland:


Due to the time and databases available, we can only carry out an initial basic search. If you require a more comprehensive overview of the state of the art or a basis for a freedom-to-operate (FTO) analysis, we recommend ordering an advanced patent search.

Due to the time and databases available, we can only carry out an initial basic search of a general field of technology by applicant, number of patent documents etc. 

For more detailed analysis, particularly for specific technology fields, qualitative patent indicators or if a larger number of documents must be examined, an advanced patent landscape is required. You can find providers on the page advanced searches.


You will receive up to 50 of the patent citations found.

You will a report with the resolts of the analysis as well as 50 of the patent citations found. A list of all patent numbers in the examined technology field will not provided.

After the search

If you would like to follow up your search by applying to patent your invention, we recommend seeking advice from a patent attorney. He or she will help you with drafting the application and technical documents. The results of the assisted patent search and our advice have no influence on the examination of your patent application.

If you need further support in evaluating the analysis, we recommend seeking advice from a business consultant or a patent attorney. They will help you interpret the results and plan the next steps.



