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04.11.2024 | IPI, Dienstleistungen - Datenbanken und Verzeichnisse
The new Swissreg is in the starting blocks
In August, we announced that we would be relaunching Swissreg. Now we can reveal the date: on 11 November 2024, the modernised Swissreg will go live at the address This means that both the organ of publication and the IP rights databases will be available at the same address. Using the ‘Publications’ search mask, you’ll be able to search for all legally effective publications...
20.08.2024 | IPI, Dienstleistungen - OnlineServices, Dienstleistungen - Datenbanken und Verzeichnisse
Swissreg is to be completely modernised
Since 2001, we’ve provided an online database,, offering quick and easy access for all interested parties to information from the trade mark, patent and design registers, as well as information on protected topographies. This widely used database and publication organ is to be relaunched at the end of October 2024. A more powerful and extensive database,, is...