
From wallpaper to packaging – bubble wrap turns 70

Since its invention 70 years ago, bubble wrap has prevented many a breakage. The inventors, however, had a different use in mind for the product.

Patent drawing of bubble wrap
Patent drawing of bubble wrap, which even made it into a museum (patent: US3142599).

The Swiss inventor Marc Chavannes and the US engineer Alfred Fielding wanted to simplify household cleaning. So they created a plastic wallpaper with a low-maintenance, washable surface. But the idea didn’t really take off.

Even though their initial plan failed, the inventor duo saw potential in the product as a packaging material. It’s a good example of an invention that developed from the original idea more or less by chance. Chavannes and Fielding then founded a company to manufacture the plastic sheet with the distinctive air bubbles.


Bursting the bubbles apparently reduces stress

Who hasn’t burst one of the bubbles and heard the popping sound? This is supposed to have a calming effect and reduce stress. The invention, which is still used to this day, has even reached the Mount Olympus of the art world: bubble wrap is part of the collection of the New York Museum of Modern Art.

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