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Newsletter IGE | IPI

4 July 2017


Newsletter no. 3/2017 “Legal Information”


Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

We have the pleasure of sending you herewith no. 3/2017 of our Newsletter “Legal Information”. We hope you will enjoy reading it.


01   Fostering the development of medicinal products for paediatric use – consultation on the partial revision of the Patents Ordinance

02   PCT online filing (ePCT)
03   Beguiling Appearance – Murky Shadows?
04   The website has a new look
05   Training


01   Fostering the development of medicinal products for paediatric use – consultation on the partial revision of the Patents Ordinance

The research and development of medicinal products specifically for children should be fostered. In order to achieve this, the Patents Act has been revised within the scope of the revision to the Therapeutic Products Act. Pharmaceutical companies that carry out paediatric studies can be granted a six-month extension to a supplementary protection certificate that has already been granted or granted a newly created paediatric supplementary protection certificate. Parliament adopted the revision to the Therapeutic Products Act and with it, the partial revision of the Patents Act on 18 March 2016. The Federal Department of Justice and Police submitted for consultation the required amendment to the Patents Ordinance on 22 June 2017. The cantons, parties and other interested stakeholders can submit their comments by 20 October 2017.


02   PCT online filing (ePCT)

Patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) with Switzerland as the receiving office can now also be submitted online via the World Intellectual Property Organization’s ePCT interface.

This popular ePCT Filing system allows patent applicants to directly access their PCT applications and receive notifications about them.

Questions? Then contact us by email at


03   Beguiling Appearance – Murky Shadows?

Everyone knows about fake handbags at the beach and replica brand-name sunglasses on the internet. But who is behind such goods? Who gains and who loses by them? And who puts themselves at risk? The STOP PIRACY Association has opened the second season of the special exhibition on counterfeiting and piracy called, “Beguiling Appearance – Murky Shadows?” at the Swiss Customs Museum in Cantine di Gandria (Lugano). The museum is open from April until mid-October.


04   The website has a new look
We have tidied and spruced up our website to make it easier to navigate and to present our diverse content more clearly. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions about our online presence:

05   Training


Yours sincerely,

Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
Felix Addor
Deputy Director General


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