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Newsletter IGE | IPI

27 February 2020


Newsletter no. 3/2020 “Legal Information”


Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

We have the pleasure of sending you herewith no. 3/2020 of our Newsletter “Legal Information”. We hope you will enjoy reading it.


01   Fit for the digital age – modernised copyright rules to come into force on 1 April 2020

02   Training


01   Fit for the digital age – modernised copyright rules to come into force on 1 April 2020

The revised Copyright Act strengthens the rights of creative artists and cultural industries, as well as facilitating research. The Federal Council put into force the revised act, which adapts the applicable law to technological developments, as of 1 April 2020.


Further information can be found in the Federal Council's media release (only available in German, French and Italian).


02   Training

Our courses.


Yours sincerely,

Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
Felix Addor
Deputy Director General


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