Searching for patents yourself

You can find basic patent information in free online databases. This information will give you an initial overview and can be used as a source of inspiration. However, querying these databases is not a substitute for a professional search by an expert.


Information on inventions protected in Switzerland

  • Patent database
    In the IPI’s patent database, you can find information on published Swiss patent applications, granted Swiss patents, and European patents effective in Switzerland in a matter of seconds.
  • Swissreg
    If you are looking for a patent with effect in Switzerland, Swissreg is the right database for your search.

Searching in worldwide patent literature

  • Espacenet
    If you want to search for relevant patents, then Espacenet is the right database. The European Patent Office's database contains more than 90 million patent documents from all over the world with information on inventions and technical developments from 1836 up to the present day.

Other national and international databases

Almost all patent offices publish their national patent applications and granted patents in publicly accessible databases. Here are some important ones:



Patent classifications are classification systems in which patent documents are organised based on the technical concepts described in them regardless of language and terminology. There are various such systems in use. The following are two of the most important:


Professional patent searches

Carrying out a search yourself cannot replace a professional search. Find out more about providers of professional search services in Switzerland on the page advanced patent searches



